Coldwild Games
Based in Riga, Latvia
Release date:
15 Dec, 2017 (Early Access), 22nd of March, 2018 (Full Release)
Steam (Windows / Linux / OSX)
Web, demo version
Regular Price:
Steam | $5.99 |
Lazy Galaxy puts you in control of an alien race that wishes to conquer the universe, but is too lazy to do so. Build your base and watch your fleets fight by themselves or take direct control! Craft items, conquer the planets on star map, unlock achievements that allow you to progress faster in your ultimate quest to take over the universe!
Lazy Galaxy is our third serious game on Steam. The development started in the middle of May 2017, the game went into Early Access on Dec 15, 2017. After building the community and receiving tons of feedback - we kept working on introducing the new game features, leading to a full release on March 22, 2018.
- Build your base in idle mode, participate in battles in RTS mode
- Achievements matter! Unlocking in-game achievements adds permanent researches that improve the gameplay
- Allow your ships to fight by themselves or control them directly
- Item system: find the items in battles, craft the new ones on your base!
- Micro-control is rewarded, but not necessary. You can idle out the battles or seek more active participation.
- Mod Support: players can add their own ships and items!
- More than a 100 in-game researches and achievements
- Multiple development paths add variety to incremental/base-building gameplay
Trailer YouTube
First Five Minutes of Gameplay (WIP version) YouTube
Logo & Icon
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Original Soundtrack
By Roman Lamcev, available to listen for free at youtube.com.
About Coldwild Games
Coldwild Games is a small games studio of three people from Latvia, Europe. We started by making the game with unreasonably big scope, then we made some games with unreasonably small scope. Then we made Lazy Galaxy, and it turned out pretty cool. We understand that in indie game world, there's no point in making "game X, but better," so we try to come up with cool new ideas and genre blends. Both developing and playing games is a way for us to connect with the world, to exchange our thoughts and feelings with each other.
Mission and vision.
Experimentation with game genres: always add something new to the mix, even if it is a small detail.
No lootbox / casino mechanics masked as games.
Treat games as art aesthetically, but put good gameplay first.
More information
More information on Coldwild Games, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Lazy Galaxy Credits
Vladimir Slav
Developer, Game Designer, Community Manager @ Coldwild Games
Helen Nazarenko
Artist, Coldwild Games
Mihail Bekhren
Developer, Game Designer
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks