Unblocking available online
July 29, 2016Starting today, you can play unblocking in your browser! Check it out here: http://coldwild.com/unblocking/
We’ve also made a special group on facebook for feedback / comments / recommendations: https://www.facebook.com/ColdwildUnblocking/
Have fun playing and we are definitely looking forward to hearing from you!
Unblocking is here!
July 15, 2016Our next game “Unblocking” finally hits the Google Play! Move your block towards the exit of the level in the least possible amount of moves!
Download the game here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coldwild.unblocking
Blades of the Righteous v1.4 is out!
June 18, 2016The brief description: 30+ new unit abilities, more unit synergies, battles are much more fun now. Will be paying even more attention to polishing!
Read more on Steam:

Blades of the Righteous 1.4 brings 30+ more abilities into game!
Blades of the Righteous v1.3 is out!
June 6, 2016The long-awaited 1.3 version of Blades of the Righteous is out! It offers significant graphical improvements. Full changelist here: http://steamcommunity.com/games/421140/announcements/detail/826788655067920503
The version offers faster combat, damage types and resistances, better effects and improved UI! We want to make the game better, and hopefully every iteration improves the quality of the game. Stay tuned for more updates! If you have any feedback – please let us know!
Blades of the Righteous v1.3 development in progress
May 28, 2016Hi everyone,
I want to share my progress on Blades of the Righteous v1.3 patch development: the move to opengl is progressing smoothly, I’ve added the bloom effect and made combat faster: units can now strike right after moving, as well as retaliate to first attack made against them. Check out the new screenshots:
And a battle gameplay preview video:
Slider Cube is out!
May 18, 2016Great news! I’ve published our slider cube game on Google Play. Control your cube, jump from wall to wall, get bonuses and survive for as long as possible! Action and action only – I’ve tried to make controls very sensitive. Tap to jump from wall to wall, the cube follows the tap in the vertical direction (if you tap above the cube – it jumps to another wall while flying upwards, if you tap below – cube jumps & flies downwards).
Let us know what you think by writing the game review! Get the game on google play store, absolutely for free: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coldwildgames.slidercube
Wild West Pigeon Lite version is out!
May 5, 2016After we’ve seen that the game did not spike enough interest on Steam platform, we’ve decided to cut some features and polish the version for publishing on Android devices. Here it is: Wild West Pigeon on Play Market. Absolutely free!
If you’ve found some issues or want any new features added – feel free to write us on our facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/ColdwildGames/ or drop us a mail to contact@coldwild.com!
In case there’s an increased interest for the game and we’ll get enough votes on Greenlight (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=670441947), we’ll develop idea further and introduce much more features to the game.
Blades of the Righteous v1.2 is out
April 19, 2016Great news! Blades of the Righteous v1.2 is out on Steam: it includes various bugfixes and ui adjustments, as well as new late-game content: Gray Order thugs and Elemental Challenges. Full patch-notes here: http://steamcommunity.com/games/421140/announcements/detail/844798475604775325. And as usual – do let us know if there are any issues that needs addressing or improvements that you’d like to see. See you in game!
Introducing Coldwild games!
April 5, 2016Hello everyone! After publishing the game Blades of the Righteous on steam, I have decided to make a game development company. I’ll be posting our news and updates here. Stay tuned for the new game announcement soon!