Coldwild Games
Based in Riga, Latvia
Founding date:
Monday, 4th of April 2016
Press / Business contact:
Coldwild Games on Twitter
Coldwild Games on Facebook
Frequent Flyer
Wild West Pigeon
Lazy Galaxy 2
Blades Of The Righteous
Merchant Of The Skies
Lazy Galaxy
Crown Of Pain
Rebel Story
Stories From The Outbreak
Slider Cube
Lunas Fishing Garden
Coldwild Games is a small games studio of three people from Latvia, Europe. We started by making the game with unreasonably big scope, then we made some games with unreasonably small scope. Then we made Lazy Galaxy, and it turned out pretty cool. We understand that in indie game world, there's no point in making "game X, but better," so we try to come up with cool new ideas and genre blends. Both developing and playing games is a way for us to connect with the world, to exchange our thoughts and feelings with each other. Mission and vision. Experimentation with game genres: always add something new to the mix, even if it is a small detail. No lootbox / casino mechanics masked as games. Treat games as art aesthetically, but put good gameplay first.
Right nowWe are working on Stories from the Outbreak, an RPG about zombie outbreak in Latvia
First Half of 2022We've published Crown of Pain, a match 3 RPG developed by Latvian developer Jagit Games. Lazy Galaxy 2 graduated early access and had its full release in March.
2020-2021We've released Luna's Fishing Garden, a cozy adventure game. Lazy Galaxy 2 entered early access in August 2021.
2019-2020In 2019, we worked on a trading rpg called Merchant of the Skies. It entered early access in july 2019 and had its final release in july 2020.
2017-2018In 2017, we worked on space idle game called Lazy Galaxy. Right before the game released in Early Access, Mihail joined our team. He proved to be a great programmer and game designer. We completed Lazy Galaxy together and he decided to leave the team. Vladimir and Elena worked on Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story, a small roguelite shoot-em-up game which allowed us to enter the console market.
2015-2016Elena started helping as a designer in the middle of 2015. The Blades of the Righteous had to be improved multiple times, at least to a state where we don't feel too bad talking about it. We also had a few projects inbetween: most notable of them is Frequent Flyer, a casual arcade-shoot-em-up.
Early historyVladimir started working on Blades of the Righteous back in 2014. The game went through multiple iterations before it became what it is now: the first version that went to greenlight was pretty terrible. After the game passed the Greenlight - Vladimir made a decision to rework it.
Merchant of the Skies Trailer YouTube
Lazy Galaxy Release Trailer YouTube
Frequent Flyer Gameplay YouTube
There are far more images available for Coldwild Games, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
Additional Links
Youtube Channel
We try to make weekly reports in our dev-diaries. You can check it out on our youtube channel youtube.com.
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Vladimir Slav
Game Developer, Business Administrator
Elena Nazarenko
Lead Designer and Art Director
5 other active members
Game Designer, Artist, Social Media Manager, Software Engineer, Accountant
Mihail Bekhren
Programmer, Game Designer (2017-2018)
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks